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ovariectomy the surgical removal of an ovary or ovaries.
ovariotomy surgical incision into or partial or total removal of an ovary or ovaries.
ovaritis inflammation of an ovary.
ovary in an animal, the female reproductive organ that releases eggs and hormones regulating development and fertility. [2 definitions]
ovate egg-shaped, with one end slightly broader than the other.
ovation a prolonged or enthusiastic episode of applause for someone, as following a performance.
oven a compartment, as in a stove, that can be heated for baking or roasting food or the like.
ovenbird any of several North and South American warblers that build nests with compartments or covered, domelike nests.
oven cloth (chiefly British) a piece of heat-resistant material used to handle cooking utensils and dishes when they are too hot to touch with bare hands; potholder.
oven glove (chiefly British) a padded glove or mitten used to handle cooking utensils and dishes when they are too hot to touch with bare hands; oven mitt.
oven mitt a padded glove or mitten used to handle cooking utensils and dishes when they are too hot to touch with bare hands.
over above in position; higher than. [29 definitions]
over- excessive; too much. [2 definitions]
over a barrel unable to refuse a demand because of the circumstances.
overabstract combined form of abstract.
overabundance an excessive quantity or amount; more than is needed; surfeit.
overabundant combined form of abundant.
overaccentuate combined form of accentuate.
overachieve to perform at a level higher than one's expected or usual level. [2 definitions]
overact to portray (a dramatic role) with an exaggerated manner; overplay.
overadjustment combined form of adjustment.