oversaturation |
combined form of saturation. |
oversauce |
combined form of sauce. |
overscrupulous |
combined form of scrupulous. |
overseas |
across any of the several oceans; abroad. [4 definitions] |
oversecretion |
combined form of secretion. |
oversee |
to watch over and direct (others or their work); supervise. [2 definitions] |
overseer |
a person employed to supervise the work of others, esp. laborers. [2 definitions] |
oversell |
to sell more of (something) than can be supplied. [3 definitions] |
oversensitive |
combined form of sensitive. |
oversensitiveness |
combined form of sensitiveness. |
oversensitivity |
combined form of sensitivity. |
overserious |
combined form of serious. |
overseriously |
combined form of seriously. |
oversexed |
having a much greater or more frequent than normal sexual desire. |
overshadow |
to diminish in comparison. [2 definitions] |
overshoe |
footwear intended to be worn over other shoes in order to protect them from water or snow. |
overshoot |
to go over, beyond, or above (a specific goal, target, or the like); miss or overreach. [2 definitions] |
overshot |
having the upper part extending over and beyond the lower, as a jaw. [3 definitions] |
oversight |
a lapse in attention to what one is doing. [3 definitions] |
oversimplify |
to simplify to the point of error or distortion. |
oversimplistic |
combined form of simplistic. |