pachinko |
a Japanese game of chance played in a vertical machine that resembles a pinball machine. |
pachisi |
a board game played in India that is similar to backgammon, but in which cowrie shells rather than dice determine the moves. [2 definitions] |
pachyderm |
any of several very thick-skinned, hoofed mammals such as the elephant, hippopotamus, and rhinoceros. |
pachysandra |
any of several varieties of a thickly growing evergreen plant used for ground cover. |
Pacific |
of or pertaining to the Pacific Ocean. [2 definitions] |
pacific |
mild, pleasant, and undisturbed; peaceful. [3 definitions] |
pacificate |
to make peace with; appease; pacify. |
Pacific Ocean |
the largest ocean in the world, separating Asia and North America, and Australia and South America, and extending to Antarctic; Pacific. |
Pacific Standard Time |
the standard time used in the Pacific Coast region of the United States, eight hours behind Greenwich time. |
pacifier |
a pliable device for an infant to suck on, esp. in the shape of a nipple. [2 definitions] |
pacifism |
refusal to use or acknowledge violence as a means for settling disputes. [2 definitions] |
pacifist |
one who opposes war and refuses to practice or acknowledge violence as a way of settling disputes or resisting aggression. [3 definitions] |
pacify |
to calm or restore peace of mind to. [2 definitions] |
-pack |
a package containing (so many) items, usu. cans or bottles. |
pack1 |
a container for goods or belongings, usu. flexible and carried on the back. [16 definitions] |
pack2 |
to fraudulently manipulate, as by choosing, for one's own purposes. |
package |
an object or bundle that is packed, wrapped, or boxed; parcel. [6 definitions] |
package store |
a store, esp. one under the control of a given U.S. state, that sells only hard liquor and other sealed alcoholic beverages. |
packed like sardines |
(informal) extremely crowded together. |
packer |
someone or something that packs. [2 definitions] |
packet |
a small bundle or parcel. [2 definitions] |