pageboy |
a hair style in which the hair is worn in a straight long bob, with the ends rolled under. |
pager |
a portable electronic receiver that emits a signal when the person carrying it is paged and displays the phone number to be called. |
Paget's disease |
a disease that deforms or weakens bones. [2 definitions] |
paginate |
to number the pages of (a book, magazine, or the like). |
pagination |
the system of numbered pages in a book. |
pagoda |
a religious temple of eastern or southern Asia, often Hindu or Buddhist and having elaborate roof lines at each of many different levels. |
pagurid |
any of a family of marine crustaceans that have a soft abdomen and live in empty snail shells; hermit crab. [2 definitions] |
paid |
past tense and past participle of "pay." |
pail |
a steep-sided container with a handle; bucket. [2 definitions] |
paillard |
a piece of meat, usu. veal or chicken, that is pounded until thin and cooked on a very hot grill. |
pain |
physical distress or discomfort that is usu. caused by injury or illness and is the nervous system's means of signaling to the brain that something is wrong. [7 definitions] |
pained |
having or showing hurt feelings, resentment, or distress. |
painful |
causing pain. [2 definitions] |
painkiller |
a drug for relieving pain. |
painless |
not causing or involving pain. [2 definitions] |
painstaking |
involving or using great care and detailed and diligent attention; meticulous. [2 definitions] |
paint |
a liquid mixture of material including coloring agents or pigments, used to cover the surface of something or create pictures. [10 definitions] |
paintbrush |
any brush used to apply paint. [2 definitions] |
painted bunting |
a small bird of the southern United States having brilliant blue, green, red, and brown plumage. |
painter1 |
one who practices the art of painting. [2 definitions] |
painter2 |
a rope or line used to secure a boat to a mooring or to another boat. |