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palatal of or relating to the palate. [3 definitions]
palatalize to articulate (a nonpalatal sound) as a palatal.
palate the roof of the mouth, which separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity and consists of a bony front section and a soft muscular back section. [2 definitions]
palatial of, resembling, or relating to a palace. [2 definitions]
palatinate the territory or rulership of a palatine.
palatine belonging or suited to a palace. [5 definitions]
palaver idle conversation or discussion, esp. at length. [4 definitions]
palazzo (Italian) a grand or majestic building or house; palace.
pale lacking intensity of color. [5 definitions]
paleethnology the study of the earliest humans.
paleface (slang) a white person, as distinguished from an American Indian.
paleo- (sometimes cap.) old; prehistoric; ancient.
Paleocene of, relating to, or designating the geological epoch at the start of the Tertiary Period, from approximately 65 million to 54 million years ago, when birds and early mammals appeared. [2 definitions]
paleoclimate the earth's climate in a former geologic time period.
paleodataset an organized collection of data about former geologic time periods.
Paleogene see "tertiary."
paleography the study and dating of ancient writing and inscriptions. [2 definitions]
Paleolithic (sometimes l.c.) designating the earliest period of the Stone Age, from about 2 million B.C. to about 10,000 B.C., characterized by the use of primitive stone tools.
paleontology the scientific study of life in past geologic periods through examination of animal and plant fossils.
Paleozoic of, relating to, or designating the geological era between the Precambrian and Mesozoic, from approximately 600 million to 220 million years ago, when the first fishes, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and land plants appeared. [2 definitions]
Palestine a Middle Eastern region on the land of ancient Canaan and modern Israel, including disputed territories on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip that are now governed by Israel; Holy Land.