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parallax the apparent change in the position of an observed object when seen from two different points.
parallel extending in the same direction and being the same distance apart at every point. [9 definitions]
parallel bars a set of two horizontal poles parallel to each other and supported by adjustable upright posts, on which gymnasts perform various acrobatic routines. [2 definitions]
parallelepiped a geometric solid having six surfaces, all of which are parallelograms.
parallelism similarity; resemblance; agreement. [3 definitions]
parallelogram a four-sided plane figure that has opposite sides parallel and equal to each other.
paralogism faulty reasoning; illogical argument.
Paralympics an international competition for athletes who have disabilities, modeled after the Olympic Games. The Paralympics takes place immediately after either the summer or winter Olympic Games.
paralyse a spelling of "paralyze" used in Canada and Britain. See "paralyze" for more information.
paralysis partial or complete loss of sensation or the ability to move in a body part, caused by injury or disease of the nervous system. [2 definitions]
paralysis agitans see "Parkinson's disease."
paralytic one who is paralyzed. [3 definitions]
paralyze to render partly or completely unable to move or feel sensations, as by an injury or disease. [2 definitions]
paralyzed unable to move, or unable to feel sensation due to neurological damage or the effect of a drug; affected with paralysis. [2 definitions]
paramagnet a material that is weakly attracted by an externally applied magnetic field and forms an induced magnetic field in the direction of the applied field.
paramagnetic relating to or being a material that is weakly attracted by an externally applied magnetic field and forms an induced magnetic field in the direction of the applied field.
Paramaribo the seaport capital of Suriname.
paramecium any of several one-celled protozoans that move by means of cilia and have a large oral groove.
paramedic one who is trained to work as a doctor's assistant or as a provider of emergency medical care.
paramedical of or indicating the work of auxiliary medical personnel such as nurses' aides, paramedics, or laboratory technicians.
parameter any of a set of specifications or limits, the value or variations of which determine the form or behavior of something. [3 definitions]