pathetic fallacy |
the attribution of human characteristics to inanimate objects, a technique esp. used in literature as in the sentence, "The angry waves pounded the beach". |
pathfinder |
one who finds or makes a path or way, usu. through unexplored areas. |
-pathic |
feeling or suffering in (such) a way or as a result of (such) a condition. [2 definitions] |
pathless |
combined form of path. |
patho- |
suffering; disease. |
pathogen |
any organism that causes disease, such as a bacterium or virus. |
pathogenesis |
the forming or development of disease. |
pathogenic |
producing or being capable of causing disease. [2 definitions] |
pathological |
of or related to disease or pathology. [2 definitions] |
pathology |
the scientific study of the causes, nature, and results of bodily disease. [2 definitions] |
pathophysiology |
changes in the body associated with a particular disease or injury, or the study of such changes. |
pathos |
a quality in life or art that evokes pity, sadness, or compassion. [2 definitions] |
pathway |
a route; path; course. |
-pathy |
feeling or suffering. [3 definitions] |
patience |
the ability to steadfastly endure misfortune, pain, or hardship. [3 definitions] |
patient |
a person or animal undergoing medical treatment. [7 definitions] |
patina |
a greenish, brownish, or reddish crust or film produced by oxidation on the surface of old metals such as bronze and copper. [4 definitions] |
patio |
a usu. paved and roofless area that adjoins a house and is used for dining or recreation. [2 definitions] |
patisserie |
a shop where fancy pastry, usu. French, is made and sold. [2 definitions] |
patois |
a rural or regional variety of a language, esp. in France, that is considered to be substandard; dialect. [2 definitions] |
pat (someone) on the back |
(informal) to encourage, praise, or congratulate by words or actions. |