pep pill |
(informal) a pill, tablet, or capsule containing a stimulant such as amphetamine. |
peppy |
full of energy or pep; lively; animated. |
pep rally |
a gathering, usu. before a school athletic event, to arouse enthusiasm. |
pepsin |
an enzyme contained in gastric juice that serves as a catalyst in the digestion of most proteins. [2 definitions] |
pep talk |
a vigorous talk to an individual or group, such as an athletic team, to instill enthusiasm, increase determination, and the like. |
peptic |
of, relating to, or promoting digestion. [4 definitions] |
peptide |
any of various compounds composed of two or more amino acids, the carboxyl group of one acid being joined to the amino group of another. |
peptone |
any of various soluble, diffusible, derived proteins formed by the action of enzymes, or by the acid hydrolysis of proteins. |
Pequot |
a member of a former North American Indian people that lived in southern New England until conquered in 1637. [2 definitions] |
per |
for each. [2 definitions] |
per- |
through. [3 definitions] |
perambulate |
to walk through or over, esp. in order to inspect; travel through. [2 definitions] |
perambulator |
a baby carriage or stroller. |
per annum |
by the year; annually. |
percale |
a tightly woven cotton fabric used esp. to make bed linens. |
per capita |
for each unit of population; per person. |
perceivable |
capable of being known by means of the senses; perceptible. |
perceive |
to become aware of by means of the senses. [2 definitions] |
perceived |
as it seems in the mind; supposed. |
percent |
one part or unit of each hundred, or a fraction expressed as parts of a hundred. (abbr.: pct.) [3 definitions] |
percentage |
some portion of a whole based on a total of one hundred parts. [3 definitions] |