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perfecto a standard cigar that is thick in the center and tapers at both ends.
perfect pitch the ability to sing or recognize the pitch of any musical tone heard; absolute pitch.
perfervid extremely eager; ardent; zealous.
perfidious purposely disloyal or treacherous; faithless.
perfidy an act or the practice of conscious, deliberate disloyalty or treachery; breach of faith.
perfoliate designating a leaf with a base that surrounds the stem, which appears to be growing through or piercing the leaf.
perforate to make a hole in. [3 definitions]
perforation a hole or series of small holes, esp. such as is made to cause paper, stamps, or the like to tear more easily. [2 definitions]
perforce out of necessity; without having a choice.
perform to carry out; do; fulfill. [4 definitions]
performable combined form of perform.
performance the act of doing, or carrying out; the act of performing. [3 definitions]
performance art an art form involving recitation, music, dance, film, and other media presented sometimes simultaneously and sometimes sequentially, usu. on a stage.
performer a person who sings, acts, or does some form of entertainment for an audience; one who performs.
performing arts arts such as drama, dance, and music that are performed before an audience.
perfume a substance, esp. a liquid, made from flowers or synthetically, that is worn on the body to give it a pleasant smell. [4 definitions]
perfumer a person who makes or sells perfumes. [2 definitions]
perfumery perfumes as a group. [3 definitions]
perfunctory done quickly and as a matter of routine; performed without care. [2 definitions]
pergola an arbor or covered walkway with a roof of vines or other climbing plants trained over trelliswork.
perhaps maybe; possibly.