personate2 |
in biology, having masklike markings. [2 definitions] |
personhood |
the fact or condition of being a person. [2 definitions] |
personification |
a person considered to be a perfect example or embodiment of some quality or other abstraction. [3 definitions] |
personify |
to be a perfect or typical example of; embody. [3 definitions] |
personnel |
all of the employees of a business, the armed forces, or other organization. [2 definitions] |
perspective |
a technique of representation in three dimensions and in appropriate spatial relationships on a flat surface, or a design or depiction using this technique. [4 definitions] |
perspicacious |
keenly perceptive or understanding; discerning. |
perspicacity |
keenness of mental perception or grasp; astuteness. |
perspicuity |
clearness of expression; lucidity. |
perspicuous |
presented clearly; easily understood. |
perspiration |
the act or process of excreting moisture through the pores of the skin; sweating. [2 definitions] |
perspire |
to exude moisture through the pores of the skin; sweat. [2 definitions] |
persuade |
to cause (another) to do something through reasoning, arguing, or appealing to the emotions. [2 definitions] |
persuasion |
the act of persuading. [3 definitions] |
persuasive |
having the ability to cause another to do or believe something. |
pert |
impudent or saucy. [2 definitions] |
pertain |
to relate or refer to something; have to do with. [3 definitions] |
pertinacious |
tenacious in purpose, opinion, or the like; persevering. [2 definitions] |
pertinacity |
the quality or condition of being tenacious, stubbornly determined, or perseverant. |
pertinent |
of, concerning, or connected to a subject; relevant. |
perturb |
to cause great disturbance in (the mind); agitate or worry. [3 definitions] |