perturb |
to cause great disturbance in (the mind); agitate or worry. [3 definitions] |
perturbable |
combined form of perturb. |
perturbation |
the act of perturbing, or the condition of being perturbed. |
pertussis |
an acute infectious respiratory disease particularly serious in children, marked by intense spasms of coughing and sometimes accompanied by a high-pitched sound as air in inhaled between coughs; whooping cough. |
Peru |
a South American country on the Pacific coast between Ecuador and Chile. |
peruke |
a wig such as those worn by men in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, often powdered, arranged in large rolls over the ears, and tied at the nape in a ribbon; periwig. |
perusal |
the act or an instance of reading. [2 definitions] |
peruse |
to read or examine attentively and in detail. |
pervade |
to spread or be present everywhere in; permeate. |
pervasive |
spreading or present everywhere or throughout. |
perverse |
stubbornly opposed to what is expected or requested of one, or marked by or inclined toward such an attitude. [3 definitions] |
perversion |
an act or instance of perverting, or the condition of being perverted. [2 definitions] |
perversity |
the quality or condition, or an instance, of being perverse. |
pervert |
to lead astray or corrupt. [5 definitions] |
perverted |
being opposite to or different from what is considered right or proper; wicked; distorted. [2 definitions] |
pervious |
subject to passage or entrance, as by water; permeable. [2 definitions] |
Pesach |
see "Passover." |
peseta |
a chief monetary unit, along with the franc, of Andorra, equaling one hundred centimos. [2 definitions] |
pesewa |
the smaller monetary unit of Ghana. (Cf. cedi.) |
pesky |
(informal) pestering or annoying. |
peso |
the chief monetary unit of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and the Philippines, equaling one hundred centavos. [3 definitions] |