petnapping |
the stealing of pets in order to sell them, as for use in laboratory experiments. |
Petrarch |
an Italian poet; Francesco Petrarca (1304-74). |
Petrarchan sonnet |
an Italian sonnet form made popular by Petrarch, consisting of an octave and a sestet. (Cf. Shakespearean sonnet.) |
petrel |
any of various related sea birds usu. found far from shore, esp. the storm petrel. |
petri dish |
a shallow, round, transparent glass or plastic dish with an overlapping cover, used for culturing bacteria and other microorganisms. |
petrify |
to turn (organic matter) into stone. [4 definitions] |
petro- |
rock; stone. [2 definitions] |
petrochemical |
a chemical derivative of petroleum or natural gas, such as gasoline. |
petrodollar |
(usu. pl.) funds accumulated by an oil-exporting country as part of a surplus in its trade balance, esp. when they are then lent to or invested in other countries. |
petroglyph |
a drawing or carving on rock, esp. from prehistoric times. |
petrography |
the scientific description and classification of rocks. |
petrol |
(chiefly British) a volatile, flammable liquid of hydrocarbons, derived from petroleum and used primarily as fuel for internal-combustion engines; gasoline. |
petrolatum |
a colorless or yellowish, translucent, greasy, semisolid petroleum derivative used as a lubricant and in medical ointments; petroleum jelly. |
petroleum |
a thick, flammable mineral oil obtained by drilling beneath the earth's surface and processed into various fuels and lubricants, naphtha, paraffin, and other products. |
petroleum jelly |
petrolatum. |
petrology |
the scientific study and classification of rocks. |
petropolitics |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) the management or influencing of international relations based on control of the amount of petroleum available on the world market. |
petrous |
of or pertaining to the dense, hard portion of the human temporal bone that contains the internal auditory organs. [2 definitions] |
PET scanner |
a medical diagnostic technology that uses radioactive tracer material to provide visual information about the activities of the brain. |
petticoat |
a woman's underskirt, like a slip or half-slip but usu. fuller and more ornamented with lace, ruffles, or bows. |
pettifogger |
one who quibbles over trifles, esp. an unscrupulous lawyer. |