pikestaff |
the long shaft of a soldier's pike. [2 definitions] |
pilaf |
a dish originating in the Middle East and consisting of rice cooked in a broth, often with vegetables, meat, seasonings, or the like. |
pilaster |
a decorative architectural element that resembles a column, usu. complete with base and capital, and set against or into a wall. |
Pilate |
the Roman governor of Judea who presided at the trial of Jesus Christ and authorized his crucifixion; Pontius Pilate. |
pilau |
a variant of pilaf. |
pilchard |
any of a number of small, oily marine fishes such as the sardine. |
pilcrow |
a typographical symbol (¶) used to indicate the beginning of a paragraph. It is sometimes called a paragraph marker. |
pile1 |
an accumulation of things on top of each other; heap; stack. [7 definitions] |
pile2 |
a large shaft of steel, wood, concrete, or the like that is forced or pounded into the ground to serve as a structural and supporting element of a wall, building, or the like. [3 definitions] |
pile3 |
the projecting loops or strands of yarn that form the surface of some fabrics, rugs, and the like. [3 definitions] |
pileate |
in ornithology, having a crest that extends from the base of the bill to the nape. [2 definitions] |
pileated woodpecker |
a large black and white North American woodpecker with a prominent red crest. |
pile driver |
a machine that drives piles by repeatedly raising and dropping a heavy weight on the exposed end of the pile. |
pileous |
having hair or fur. |
piles |
the condition of having a hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids. [2 definitions] |
pileum |
the top of a bird's head from the base of the bill to the nape of the neck. |
pileup |
a destructive collision involving more than two vehicles. [2 definitions] |
pile up |
to accumulate, with one thing on top of another. [3 definitions] |
pileus |
the umbrellalike, gill-bearing cap of a mushroom or a similar structure on other fungi. [2 definitions] |
pilfer |
to steal, esp. trifling amounts or things of small value. |
pilferable |
combined form of pilfer. |