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pink salmon a widespread species of small Pacific salmon.
pink slip (informal) a notice informing an employee of his or her dismissal from employment.
pin money a small sum of money set aside for incidental expenses.
pinna any of the leaflets of a pinnate leaf such as that of a fern. [3 definitions]
pinnace any of a variety of small boats, esp. one carried on a ship. [2 definitions]
pinnacle the highest point or part of anything; apex; summit. [5 definitions]
pinnate like a feather in appearance or structure. [2 definitions]
pinner a head-covering having long flaps of material pinned to each side.
pinniped of a suborder of carnivorous water mammals having finlike limbs, such as the walrus and seal. [2 definitions]
pinnule any of the lobes or divisions of a doubly compound leaf, as on ferns; secondary pinna. [2 definitions]
pin oak either of two tall oak trees of the eastern United States that are valued for their lumber and as shade trees.
pinochle a card game that two to four players play with a deck consisting of two each of the cards from nine to ace.
pinole a flour made of ground wheat or corn that is sweetened with the meal of mesquite beans.
piņon any of several pine trees that produce edible seeds, native to the Southwestern United States and Mexico.
pinot (sometimes cap.) see "pinot noir," "pinot blanc."
pinot blanc any of several varieties of white grape grown in Burgundy, France, that are used in the making of white wine and champagne.
pinot noir any of several varieties of purplish red grape grown in Burgundy, France, that are used in the making of red wine.
pinpoint anything that is exceptionally small, such as a spot of ink or a point on a map. [3 definitions]
pinprick a very small hole. [3 definitions]
pins and needles a prickly, tingling sensation in a limb that is recovering from numbness caused by temporarily poor blood circulation.
pinsetter a person or device that removes the pins struck down in a bowling alley and sets them up again.