pinsetter |
a person or device that removes the pins struck down in a bowling alley and sets them up again. |
pin stripe |
a very thin stripe, esp. on fabric used in the making of suits. [2 definitions] |
pint |
in the US, a unit of capacity equal to sixteen fluid ounces or 4.73 deciliters and to one half quart or 5.51 deciliters of dry measure. (abbr.: pt.) [3 definitions] |
pinta |
a contagious skin disease of the tropics, characterized by variously colored spots, that is caused by a spiral-shaped bacterium. |
pintail |
a species of duck, the male of which has a long, pointed tail. |
pintano |
any of various small, brightly colored, tropical reef fishes of the southern Atlantic. |
pin the blame on |
to assign the blame for something to (a particular person or group), sometimes dishonestly or without sufficient evidence. |
pintle |
an upright pin or bolt on which another part pivots, used esp. in towing devices. |
pinto |
having irregular spots or mottles; piebald. [3 definitions] |
pinto bean |
a variety of kidney bean bearing pale, mottled seeds that is grown for food and animal fodder. |
pint-size |
(informal) diminutive; small; tiny. |
pinup |
a picture, such as one from a magazine, of a sexually desirable person, often hung on a wall. [3 definitions] |
pinwale |
of corduroy fabric, having a very narrow or fine rib. [2 definitions] |
pinwheel |
a toy that resembles a windmill secured on a stick by a pin, the wheel of which revolves in the wind or when blown upon. [3 definitions] |
pinworm |
a small parasitic nematode worm that infests the large intestine and rectum, esp. in children. |
pinxter flower |
a variety of wild azalea bearing sweet-smelling pink flowers. |
piny |
characterized by or containing many pine trees. [2 definitions] |
pinyin |
(sometimes cap.) the official system, adopted by the People's Republic of China in 1979, for representing Chinese words in the Roman alphabet. |
pinyon |
variant of piņon. |
pion |
any of three subatomic particles in the nucleus of an atom that have a positive, negative, or neutral charge and a mass 270 times that of an electron. |
pioneer |
someone who explores or goes to live in a place previously unexplored or uninhabited by many of his or her culture. [7 definitions] |