platinous |
of or containing bivalent platinum. |
platinum |
a chemical element that has seventy-eight protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a dense, highly malleable, lustrous silvery white solid metal, used as a catalyst, in a variety of alloys, and in making jewelry. (symbol: Pt) [2 definitions] |
platinum blonde |
a person with light, silvery blonde hair. [2 definitions] |
platitude |
an overused, dull, or trivial remark; hackneyed expression; cliché. [2 definitions] |
platitudinize |
to use platitudes in speaking or writing. |
Plato |
a Greek philosopher (427?-347? B.C.). |
Platonic |
of, pertaining to, or resembling Plato or his philosophy. [2 definitions] |
Platonism |
the philosophy of Plato or his followers, esp. the doctrines of idealism. |
platoon |
a military unit of two or more squads or sections, usu. commanded by a lieutenant and having its own headquarters. [6 definitions] |
platoon sergeant |
in the U.S. Army, the senior noncommissioned officer in a platoon. |
Plattdeutsch |
the informal German dialect spoken in northern Germany; Low German. |
platter |
a large shallow dish used for serving food. [3 definitions] |
platy1 |
occurring in layers, flakes, plates, or slabs, as certain rocks, soils, or mineral deposits. |
platy2 |
any of several brightly colored, small freshwater fishes of Mexico and Central America that are often kept in aquariums. |
platy- |
broad; flat. |
platyhelminth |
any of various worms, such as the planarians, tapeworms, and liver flukes, having flattened and soft, unsegmented bodies; flatworm. |
platypus |
an egg-laying mammal of Australia and Tasmania that has webbed feet for swimming, a broad, horny bill like that of a duck, and a long, flat tail, and that lives in and near water. |
plaudit |
(often pl.) an enthusiastic show of approval, such as a round of applause or a very favorable review. |
plausible |
seeming to be true or reasonable; credible. [2 definitions] |
play |
a composition written for the stage; drama. [22 definitions] |
playa |
the flat floor of a usu. dry desert lake. [2 definitions] |