playa |
the flat floor of a usu. dry desert lake. [2 definitions] |
playable |
combined form of play. |
playact |
to act out fantasies; pretend; make believe. [3 definitions] |
play-action pass |
in football, a forward pass made by the quarterback after feigning a handoff. |
play along |
to cooperate or pretend as if one is cooperating or agreeing. |
play a trick |
to carry out a plan that deceives or makes a fool of someone and gives amusement to oneself or others (usu. fol. by "on"). |
playback |
the act of playing a previously made recording or parts of a recording on a recording device, sound-reproducing system, or the like. [2 definitions] |
play ball |
(slang) to do exactly as requested, esp. to avoid trouble or harm to oneself or others. |
playbill |
an advertisement or program for a play or other performance. |
playbook |
a book illustrating sports plays, used esp. by coaches or coaching staff. |
playboy |
a wealthy man who spends his time pursuing social and sensual pleasures. |
play by ear |
to play (a piece of music) just from the memory of the sound of it and not from reading the musical notation. [2 definitions] |
play-by-play |
concerning or being a detailed account of each step or action during an event, esp. a sports event. [2 definitions] |
play down |
to talk or act as if (something) is not as serious, great, or significant as it is. |
player |
one who takes part in a game or sport. [3 definitions] |
player piano |
an automatic piano that plays by means of a perforated paper roll that signals a pneumatic mechanism to depress the keys. |
play footsie with |
(informal) to engage in flirtation or surreptitious sexual intimacies with, as by touching someone's foot beneath a table. [2 definitions] |
playful |
cheerfully energetic. [2 definitions] |
playfully |
in a gently humorous manner; not seriously. |
playgirl |
a wealthy girl or woman who spends her time pursuing social and sensual pleasures. |
playgoer |
one who often attends theatrical performances. |