polygala |
milkwort. |
polygamy |
the practice or state of having more than one spouse, esp. more than one wife, at a time. (Cf. monogamy.) |
polygenism |
a theory that each human racial group is descended from entirely separate ancestors. (Cf. monogenism.) |
polyglot |
using or knowing several languages; multilingual. [5 definitions] |
polygon |
a closed, two-dimensional figure with three or more sides bounded by straight lines. |
polygraph |
a device that records changes in bodily functions such as respiration rate, heartbeat, and blood pressure, sometimes used during interrogation of suspected criminals; lie detector. |
polygyny |
the practice or state of having two or more wives at the same time. |
polyhedron |
a solid, multifaceted figure. |
polymath |
one who has broad knowledge or expertise in a number of distinct areas. |
polymer |
a natural or synthetic compound, such as polyethylene or nylon, that is of high molecular weight and is composed of repeated links of simple molecules. |
polymerase |
any of various enzymes, such as DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase, that catalyze the formation of a polynucleotide strand using an existing strand as a template. |
polymeric |
of, pertaining to, or combined in a polymer. |
polymerization |
the act of forming a polymer. [2 definitions] |
polymerize |
to subject to or undergo the process of forming a polymer. |
polymerous |
in biology, having many parts. |
polymorphic |
see "polymorphous." |
polymorphous |
having or passing through a variety of forms, stages, phases, or the like. |
Polynesia |
one of the three principal Pacific island groups, east of the international date line. (Cf. Melanesia, Micronesia.) |
Polynesian |
of or pertaining to Polynesia or its people, cultures, languages, or the like. [3 definitions] |
polynomial |
of, relating to, or consisting of more than two names or terms. [2 definitions] |
polynucleotide |
a polymeric chain of nucleotides, such as DNA or RNA. |