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polynucleotide a polymeric chain of nucleotides, such as DNA or RNA.
polyp an aquatic invertebrate, usu. sedentary or fixed in place, with a tubular body and a mouth surrounded by tentacles. [2 definitions]
polypeptide a condensation of amino acids that forms a protein molecule.
polypetalous bearing distinctly separate petals; not having a fused corolla.
Polyphemos in Greek mythology, the Cyclops son of Poseidon who was blinded by Odysseus. [2 definitions]
polyphemus moth (sometimes cap.) a large yellowish brown North American moth that has an eyelike spot on each hind wing.
polyphonic in music, having or consisting of many different sounds or voices.
polyphony a musical composition with two or more voices; counterpoint.
polypropylene a resin formed by the polymerization of propylene that is used in the manufacture of plastics.
polysaccharide a carbohydrate such as starch or cellulose that contains molecules with specific combinations and concentrations of simple sugars.
polysemous having more than one related meaning.
polysemy the quality of having more than one related meaning.
polysome a cluster of ribosomes along a heavily translated sequence of messenger RNA making protein in a cell; polyribosome.
polystyrene a hard, clear plastic or rigid foam that can be molded for structural applications.
polysyllabic having three or more syllables. [2 definitions]
polysyllable a word with several syllables.
polytechnic of, relating to, or involving many arts and sciences, esp. industrial and technical arts. [2 definitions]
polytheism the belief in more than one god.
polyunsaturated of or designating oils or fats made up of carbon chains whose bonds are not saturated with hydrogen.
polyurethane any of various synthetic resins that can become flexible or set when heated and that are used for coatings, padding, insulation, and adhesives.
polyvalent having more than one chemical valence. [2 definitions]