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porthole a small opening or window in the side of a ship or airplane. [2 definitions]
portico a roof supported by columns, serving as a covered walkway or building entrance.
portière a heavy or decorative curtain hung in a doorway usu. in place of a door.
portion a part of a whole. [4 definitions]
portionless combined form of portion.
Portland cement (sometimes l.c.) a cement made by heating limestone with clay and hardening under water.
Port Louis the seaport capital of Mauritius.
portly rather fat; stout.
portmanteau a stiff, usu. leather suitcase that opens into two hinged parts.
portmanteau word a word formed by combining the sounds and meanings of two other words, such as "smog" from "smoke" and "fog".
Port Moresby the seaport capital of Papua New Guinea.
port of call a port where a ship regularly docks during the course of a longer voyage in order to load and unload passengers and cargo, make repairs, or the like.
port of entry a place where travelers or goods may enter or leave a country under the supervision of customs officials.
Port-of-Spain the seaport capital of Trinidad and Tobago.
Porto Novo the seaport capital of Benin.
portrait a painting, drawing, photograph, or sculpture of a person, esp. a person's face. [2 definitions]
portraitist one who makes portraits, esp. an artist who specializes in this.
portraiture the art of making portraits. [3 definitions]
portray to depict visually or verbally; make a portrait of. [2 definitions]
portrayal a representation, description, or portrait. [2 definitions]
Port-Salut a semihard yellow cheese made from whole cow's milk.