postneonatal |
combined form of neonatal. |
post-obit |
happening or taking effect, or intended to do so, after a particular person's death. [2 definitions] |
post office |
(often cap.) a department or branch of a government responsible for the circulation of mail. [2 definitions] |
postoperative |
done or occurring after surgery. |
postorgasmic |
combined form of orgasmic. |
postpaid |
with the postage already paid by the sender. |
postpartum |
of, relating to, or occurring in the period immediately following the delivery of a child. |
postpollination |
combined form of pollination. |
postpone |
to defer until a later time. |
postprandial |
after a meal, esp. dinner. |
postpresidential |
combined form of presidential. |
postprimary |
combined form of primary. |
postprison |
combined form of prison. |
postpsychoanalytic |
combined form of psychoanalytic. |
postpuberty |
combined form of puberty. |
postpubescent |
combined form of pubescent. |
post-Reformation |
combined form of Reformation. |
postresurrection |
combined form of resurrection. |
postretirement |
combined form of retirement. |
postrevolutionary |
combined form of revolutionary. |
postrider |
formerly, a person who carried mail on horseback. |