poverty |
the condition of being poor or lacking the necessary means of support; indigence or want. [3 definitions] |
poverty-stricken |
having little or no money or very few possessions; extremely poor. |
abbreviation of "prisoner of war," a member of the armed forces who is taken captive by an enemy during wartime. |
pow |
used to suggest the sound of a shot, blow, explosion, or the like. [2 definitions] |
powder |
a mass of fine, loose particles derived from a solid material that has been ground, crushed, or the like. [9 definitions] |
powder blue |
a pale blue color, sometimes having a slight gray or purple cast. |
powder burn |
a skin burn caused by an explosion of gunpowder at close range. |
powdered sugar |
a very fine sugar produced by grinding granulated sugar. |
powder horn |
a container made from a cow's or an ox's horn, used to carry gunpowder. |
powderless |
combined form of powder. |
powder puff |
a soft ball or pad of cotton or the like, used for applying powder to the skin. |
powder room |
a lavatory for the use of female guests, as at a restaurant. |
powdery |
made of or resembling powder. [3 definitions] |
power |
the capability to act or function effectively. [9 definitions] |
powerboat |
a boat equipped with a usu. inboard motor for propulsion; motorboat. |
power dive |
a steep downward plunge of an aircraft such as a fighter plane that is accelerated by engine power as well as gravity. |
power failure |
a loss of electric power. |
powerful |
possessing or capable of exerting power or force. [4 definitions] |
powerhouse |
a station or plant that generates electricity. [2 definitions] |
powerless |
lacking strength, power, or vitality; ineffectual. [2 definitions] |
power of attorney |
a formal, legally valid document that authorizes one person or party to act on behalf of another. |