Prague |
the capital of the Czech Republic. |
Praia |
the capital of Cape Verde. |
prairie |
an expansive area of fertile, level, or rolling grassland, esp. the central North American plain. |
prairie chicken |
either of two henlike grouse of the North American prairies that have reddish, brownish, black, and white feathers; prairie hen; prairie fowl. |
prairie dog |
any of several small burrowing rodents that have a barklike cry and live in large colonies in the North American prairies. |
prairie schooner |
a large covered wagon used by nineteenth-century pioneers to cross the American prairies. |
prairie strip |
a strip of land that is planted with native, stiff-stemmed, deep-rooted prairie plants, and positioned between multiple rows of crops, such as corn or soybeans. Prairie strips are used to prevent soil erosion and water run-off and to encourage wildlife diversity. |
prairie wolf |
a coyote. |
praise |
a verbal expression of admiration, approval, or respect; commendation. [4 definitions] |
praiseworthy |
extremely commendable or laudable; deserving praise. |
Prakrit |
any of several vernacular Indic languages, spoken in ancient and medieval India, as distinguished from Sanskrit, the literary language. |
praline |
any of a variety of candies made with nuts that are cooked in a sugar syrup. |
pram |
(chiefly British) a small, four-wheeled carriage used to transport a baby; baby carriage. |
prance |
to move forward by raising the front legs and springing with the hind legs, as a horse does. [5 definitions] |
prandial |
of or in connection with a meal. |
prank |
a playful or mischievous trick; stunt. |
prankish |
given to playing pranks; mischievous. [2 definitions] |
prankster |
one who likes to play pranks on others. |
prao |
variant of proa. |
praseodymium |
a rare-earth metallic chemical element that has fifty-nine protons in each nucleus and that is usu. found together with neodymium. (symbol: Pr) |
prate |
to talk excessively and meaninglessly; prattle. [3 definitions] |