preelection |
combined form of election. |
preelectric |
combined form of electric. |
preembargo |
combined form of embargo. |
preemie |
(informal) a child born prematurely. |
preeminent |
surpassing others in eminence. |
preemployment |
combined form of employment. |
preempt |
to occupy a place or take up a position in order to acquire a right to it. [4 definitions] |
preemption |
the act or right of claiming or purchasing something, such as public land, before or in preference to others. |
preemptive |
of, relating to, or granted by preemption. [2 definitions] |
preen |
to trim and clean (feathers), as a bird does. [5 definitions] |
preenrollment |
combined form of enrollment. |
preestablish |
combined form of establish. |
preethical |
combined form of ethical. |
preexist |
to exist before. [3 definitions] |
preexperiment |
combined form of experiment. |
pref. |
abbreviation of "prefix," an affix added to the beginning of a word to alter its meaning and create a new word, such as "anti-" in "antiestablishment." [2 definitions] |
prefab |
prefabricated. [3 definitions] |
prefabricate |
to fabricate or manufacture beforehand. [2 definitions] |
preface |
an introduction to a book or other written text that gives information esp. about the author or work. [5 definitions] |
prefascist |
combined form of fascist. |
prefatory |
of, relating to, or serving as an introduction or preface; preliminary. |