prerecord |
to record (a radio or television program) for later broadcast. |
prerecorded |
combined form of recorded. |
prerehearsal |
combined form of rehearsal. |
prerelease |
combined form of release. |
prerequire |
combined form of require. |
prerequisite |
required beforehand, usu. in preparation or as a basis for something else. [2 definitions] |
preretirement |
combined form of retirement. |
prerevisionist |
combined form of revisionist. |
prerevolution |
combined form of revolution. |
prerevolutionary |
combined form of revolutionary. |
prerinse |
combined form of rinse. |
preriot |
combined form of riot. |
prerogative |
an exclusive right or privilege derived from one's office, position, age, citizenship, birth, or the like. [3 definitions] |
preromantic |
combined form of romantic. |
Pres. |
abbreviation of "President." |
pres.1 |
abbreviation of "present." |
pres.2 |
abbreviation of "president." |
presage |
an intuition or sense of a future occurrence; presentiment. [7 definitions] |
presale |
combined form of sale. |
presbyopia |
inability to focus on nearby objects due to age-related hardening of the lens of the eye. |
presbyter |
an elder who served as teacher, priest, and administrator in the early Christian church. [3 definitions] |