presbyter |
an elder who served as teacher, priest, and administrator in the early Christian church. [3 definitions] |
presbyterian |
of, pertaining to, or based on ecclesiastical rule by congregational elders or a body of church elders. [3 definitions] |
presbytery |
a body of church elders. [4 definitions] |
preschedule |
combined form of schedule. |
preschool |
of, pertaining to, or suitable for children below school age. [2 definitions] |
prescience |
knowledge of future occurrences; foreknowledge. |
prescient |
having or exhibiting knowledge of events before they take place. |
prescind |
to separate in thought; consider separately. [2 definitions] |
prescreen |
combined form of screen. |
prescribe |
to lay down as a rule or guide. [4 definitions] |
prescript |
something that is prescribed, such as a rule of conduct. |
prescriptible |
of an illness or the like, capable of being cured by prescription. [2 definitions] |
prescription |
a directive written by a doctor for the preparation and use of a medicine to treat a designated patient. [2 definitions] |
prescriptive |
that prescribes; setting down rules. [2 definitions] |
preseason |
combined form of season. |
presence |
the state or condition of being present. [5 definitions] |
presence of mind |
ability to remain lucid in a crisis or emergency. |
present1 |
being in existence at this time. [6 definitions] |
present2 |
to endow or provide with something, such as a gift (often fol. by "with"). [7 definitions] |
presentable |
suitable, esp. in appearance, for being introduced or presented to others. [2 definitions] |
presentation |
the act of presenting, or the state of being presented. [4 definitions] |