pressure suit |
an airtight suit that, when inflated, maintains for its wearer normal atmospheric pressure at high altitudes, in space, or the like. |
pressurize |
to sustain normal air pressure in (an airplane or submarine). [2 definitions] |
presswork |
the operation or overseeing of a printing press. [2 definitions] |
prestamp |
combined form of stamp. |
presterilize |
combined form of sterilize. |
prestidigitation |
nimble, dextrous use of the hands in performing magic tricks; sleight of hand. |
prestige |
importance, good reputation, or influence based on one's achievements, wealth, or the like. [3 definitions] |
prestigious |
having prestige; highly esteemed. |
prestissimo |
extremely fast; as fast as possible (used as a musical direction). [2 definitions] |
presto |
at a very fast tempo (used as a musical direction). [5 definitions] |
prestressed concrete |
concrete reinforced with steel cables, wires, or the like, which have been embedded in it under tension and thus actively resist loads. |
prestructure |
combined form of structure. |
presumable |
capable of being taken for granted; reasonable. |
presumably |
judging by what may reasonably be guessed or assumed. |
presume |
to take as a matter of fact without questioning or without proof; take for granted; assume. [4 definitions] |
presumption |
the act of accepting something as true. [4 definitions] |
presumptive |
affording a reasonable basis for belief or presumption. [2 definitions] |
presumptuous |
excessively bold or forward. |
presuppose |
to suppose beforehand; presume. [2 definitions] |
presurgery |
combined form of surgery. |
presweeten |
combined form of sweeten. |