price |
the sum of money or other goods required in exchange for an item or service; cost. [6 definitions] |
price control |
a government's setting of limits on the prices of basic goods and services, usu. done as a means to fight inflation. |
price-earnings ratio |
the ratio of the price of a share of a company's stock to the company's per-share annual earnings, usu. expressed as a single number; P/E ratio. |
price fixing |
the setting of prices at a certain level, esp. by competitors colluding to keep prices high. |
price index |
a number indicating the percentage change in the prices of certain basic goods and services, relative to prices at a particular time in the past. |
priceless |
having a worth greater than any price or calculation; invaluable. [2 definitions] |
price oneself out of the market |
to charge so much money for goods or services that one loses customers. |
price support |
the maintenance of certain price levels by means of public subsidy or by government surplus purchasing. |
price war |
a situation in which competitive businesses lower their prices, often repeatedly, usu. attempting to drive each other out of business. |
prick |
a small mark or puncture made by something with a sharp or pointed end or edge. [9 definitions] |
pricker |
that which pricks, such as a thorn or a pricking tool. |
prickle |
a small, sharp, pointed growth or extension, such as a plant thorn. [6 definitions] |
prickly |
having small, sharp, pointed growths or extensions; full of prickles. [3 definitions] |
prickly heat |
inflammation of the sweat glands; miliaria. |
prickly pear |
any of various cactuses that have large, bristly, flattened stem joints, and bear brilliant flowers and sometimes edible fruit. [2 definitions] |
prick up one's ears |
to suddenly become attentive and interested. [2 definitions] |
pride |
an inherent feeling of dignity and worth. [7 definitions] |
pride and joy |
something or someone highly valued or loved. |
priedieu |
a low stand with a small desk top and a ledge at the bottom on which to kneel in prayer. |
prier |
someone who inquires about or investigates something curiously or nosily; snoop. |
priest |
a clergyman who performs religious rituals or leads a congregation in worship. [3 definitions] |