PT boat |
a small, swift, highly maneuverable torpedo boat, used esp. to patrol and torpedo enemy merchant ships. |
pteridophyte |
in some systems of classification, a division of plants that have true vascular roots, stems, and leaves and that reproduce by means of spores, such as ferns, club mosses, or horsetails. |
ptero- |
feather; wing. |
pterodactyl |
any of various extinct flying reptiles. |
pterosaur |
a flying reptile of the Mesozoic era characterized as having a birdlike beak and membranous wings supported by an exceptionally long fourth digit of each forelimb. |
-pterous |
having (such or so many) wings. |
Ptolemaic |
of or pertaining to Ptolemy or the system of astronomy he developed. |
Ptolemaic system |
the cosmographic theory, systematized by the Hellenistic astronomer Ptolemy, according to which all heavenly bodies revolve around the earth, which is fixed at the center of the universe. |
Ptolemy |
an Alexandrian mathematician, astronomer, and geographer (second century A.D.). [2 definitions] |
ptomaine |
any of a variety of basic nitrogenous substances, some poisonous, that are produced by the decay of protein. |
ptomaine poisoning |
poisoning caused by ingestion of a ptomaine, or food poisoning erroneously ascribed to this cause. |
ptyalin |
an enzyme found in human and some animal saliva that converts starch into maltose and various dextrins. |
Pu |
symbol of the chemical element plutonium. |
pub |
a bar or tavern that serves food and often has a strong community connection. |
puberty |
the stage or age at which a person experiences the maturation of the reproductive system. |
pubes1 |
hair that appears as a secondary sex characteristic at puberty, esp. the hair surrounding the genitals. [2 definitions] |
pubes2 |
pl. of pubis. |
pubescent |
reaching or having already reached puberty. [2 definitions] |
pubic |
of, pertaining to, or located in the area of the lower abdomen that includes the front portion of the pelvis. |
pubis |
the section of either hipbone that, together with the same section of the other hipbone, forms the front part of the pelvis. |
public |
of, for, or pertaining to all members of a community; not private. [7 definitions] |