pulque |
a milky, fermented drink made in Mexico from the juice of certain agaves. |
pulsar |
any of various astronomical objects, probably rapidly rotating neutron stars, that emit short, repeating pulses of radio waves. |
pulsate |
to throb or beat with a regular rhythm, as the heart or some music. [2 definitions] |
pulsatile |
pulsating or relating to pulsation. |
pulsation |
a beat, throb, or vibration. [2 definitions] |
pulse1 |
the periodic throbbing of arteries that results from the beating of the heart, esp. as felt in the wrist or neck. [5 definitions] |
pulse2 |
an edible seed found in the pods of legumes such as peas or lentils. [2 definitions] |
pulsejet engine |
a jet engine in which the pulsating thrust is provided by intermittent combustion produced by rapid opening and closing of the air intake valves. |
pulse modulation |
the formation of a periodic carrier wave by a sequence of short pulses, as used in radar. [2 definitions] |
pulverize |
to make into powder, as by crushing, grinding, or pounding. [3 definitions] |
puma |
a variety of large wild American cat; mountain lion; cougar. |
pumice |
light, porous hardened lava, powdered or whole, used as an abrasive and polishing agent. [2 definitions] |
pummel |
to strike heavily with or as if with the fists, a sword, a club, or the like; beat. [3 definitions] |
pump1 |
a mechanical or biological device for compressing a fluid or gas, or moving it from one place to another, esp. through pipes or the like. [12 definitions] |
pump2 |
a simple, relatively low-heeled women's shoe without buckles, shoelaces, or the like. |
pumpernickel |
a dark, coarse, whole-grain bread made of rye. |
pump iron |
(informal) to exercise the muscles, esp. by lifting weights. |
pumpkin |
a large, roundish, gourdlike orange fruit that has thick edible flesh and is borne on a low-growing vine. [3 definitions] |
pump priming |
(informal) the spending of government funds to stimulate private industry. |
pun |
an instance or a variety of word play, often for humorous effect, that is based on a similarity in sound of two or more words or on various meanings of the same word. [4 definitions] |
Punch |
the hook-nosed, humpbacked husband of Judy in the Punch-and-Judy puppet show. |