pushover |
(informal) anything that is easily done. [2 definitions] |
push the panic button |
(slang) to react frantically to a crisis. |
Pushtu |
Pashto. |
push-up |
a form of exercise, or a single act, in which a person lies on the stomach and raises and lowers the body using the arm muscles. |
push up daisies |
to be dead and buried. |
pushy |
(informal) annoyingly insistent upon satisfying one's desires; aggressive. |
pusillanimous |
shamefully timid; cowardly. |
puss |
a cat (used affectionately). |
pussy1 |
(informal) a cat or kitten (used affectionately). [3 definitions] |
pussy2 |
like or full of pus. |
pussycat |
a cat or kitten (used affectionately). |
pussyfoot |
to move softly and furtively, as a cat. [3 definitions] |
pussy willow |
a small North American willow with large, velvety, silver-gray catkins. [2 definitions] |
pustulant |
causing pustules to form. [2 definitions] |
pustular |
of, relating to, or covered with pustules. |
pustulate |
to form or cause pustules. [2 definitions] |
pustule |
a bump on the skin, such as a pimple, that is filled with pus. [2 definitions] |
put |
to move (something) to a particular position or location. [12 definitions] |
put all one's eggs in one basket |
to risk all one has on a single undertaking. |
put an end to |
to stop; eliminate. |
put aside |
to save for a future time. |