put aside |
to save for a future time. |
putative |
widely thought to be such; reputed; supposed. |
put away |
to return (something) to the place where it usually stays or where it can't be seen. [4 definitions] |
put back |
to return (something) to a place. [4 definitions] |
put-down |
(informal) a comment or action that has the intent or result of embarrassing, humiliating, or rejecting someone. [2 definitions] |
put down |
to put (an object that you are holding) onto a surface. [4 definitions] |
put forward |
to propose; posit. |
put in |
to spend (an amount of time) working or trying accomplish something. [7 definitions] |
put off |
to delay (some action) until a later time. [3 definitions] |
put-on |
done or assumed deceptively; pretended. [3 definitions] |
put on |
to put (clothes or accessories) on one's body. [10 definitions] |
put one's foot in one's mouth |
to say something regrettable, sometimes revealing one's own or another's secret by accident or revealing an opinion or assumption that should not have been stated openly. |
put one's head on the chopping block |
to take, or be subject to, a great risk, as of being severely criticized or fired. |
put one's nose to the grindstone |
to start or diligently pursue some hard or tedious work, esp. in a spirit of resignation. |
put one through one's paces |
to cause one to demonstrate skill or ability. |
put on the map |
make famous or celebrated (used esp. of obscure places that gain sudden fame by association with a celebrated person or event). |
put on weight |
to add to one's body weight. |
put-out |
annoyed, angry, or upset. [2 definitions] |
put out |
to stop the burning of (something). [11 definitions] |
put out the welcome mat |
to extend an enthusiastic and generous welcome. |
put paid to |
to destroy; put an end to. |