quinic acid |
a colorless crystalline acid obtained from coffee beans, the bark of the cinchona tree, and the like. |
quinidine |
a colorless crystalline alkaloid that resembles quinine, obtained from cinchona bark. |
quinine |
a bitter organic derivative of the bark of a South American and Asian tree that is effective in treating malaria. |
quinine water |
carbonated water flavored with quinine; tonic. |
quinoa |
a plant native to the Andes mountains and grown for its edible seeds. [2 definitions] |
quinoline |
a colorless liquid compound obtained from bones, coal tar, or alkaloids, or by synthesis, that is used as a solvent and in the making of dyes, antiseptics, and the like. [2 definitions] |
quinquagenarian |
fifty years old or between the ages of fifty and sixty. [2 definitions] |
Quinquagesima |
the fiftieth day before Easter; Sunday before Lent. |
quinque- |
five. |
quinquefoliolate |
having five leaflets, as a compound leaf. |
quinquennial |
happening every five years. [5 definitions] |
quinquevalent |
in chemistry, pentavalent. [2 definitions] |
quinsy |
a swelling and reddening of the tonsils that produces pus and often an abscess. |
quint |
(informal) one of five children born to a mother from a single pregnancy; quintuplet. |
quintal |
a unit of weight equal to one hundred kilograms or 220.462 pounds. [2 definitions] |
quintar |
variant of qintar. |
quintessence |
that which most perfectly describes or typifies something; essence. [3 definitions] |
quintet |
five musicians or singers who perform together as a group. [3 definitions] |
quintillion |
the number represented by the Arabic numeral 1018. [2 definitions] |
quintuple |
consisting of or divided into five parts. [4 definitions] |
quintuplet |
one of five children born to a mother from a single pregnancy. [2 definitions] |