quiver2 |
a case designed to hold and transport arrows, often strapped to the back or waist. [2 definitions] |
qui vive |
(French) who goes there? |
quixotic |
absurdly and impractically gallant or idealistic. |
quiz |
to question so as to test students' learning, esp. informally and without prior notification. [4 definitions] |
quiz program |
a radio or television program in which people compete for prizes by answering questions; quiz show. |
quizzical |
expressing doubt, confusion, or questioning; puzzled. [3 definitions] |
quodlibet |
a formal debate or argument, as on a theological or philosophical problem. [2 definitions] |
quoin |
a corner of an outside wall. [4 definitions] |
quoit |
(pl., used with a sing. verb) a game in which players try to toss metal or rope rings over or near a distant short metal stake. [2 definitions] |
quondam |
having been in the past; former. |
Quonset hut |
trademark for a prebuilt shelter of corrugated metal, having the shape of a halved cylinder standing on its flat side, sometimes used for storage. |
quorum |
the number of members that an organization's rules require to attend a meeting in order for voting or other business to take place. |
quota |
the part or share of something that is to be distributed to, that maximally can be distributed to, or that habitually is consumed by, an individual or group. [3 definitions] |
quotable |
capable of being quoted or readily quoted. [2 definitions] |
quotation |
the act of quoting. [4 definitions] |
quotation mark |
either of a pair of double punctuation marks (" ") used to enclose a quotation, or either of a pair of single punctuation marks (' ') used to enclose a quotation within a quotation. |
quote |
to repeat exact words or information from. [7 definitions] |
quotidian |
happening every day or once a day. [2 definitions] |
quotient |
that number which is obtained as the result of an arithmetic division. |
quo warranto |
in law, a proceeding intended to determine the legality or legitimacy of one's exercise of certain powers or one's right to a certain franchise. |
qurush |
an intermediate monetary unit of Saudi Arabia, equaling five halalah. (Cf. riyal.) |