red fox |
a small fox with reddish fur. |
red giant |
a large, bright star with a relatively low surface temperature and a reddish appearance. |
red-handed |
in the act or process of doing something wrong or illegal. |
redhead |
a person with red or auburn hair. [2 definitions] |
redheaded woodpecker |
a North American woodpecker with a red head and neck, a black back, and a white front. |
red heat |
the temperature at which something glows red. |
red herring |
something intended to distract attention from the main issue; misleading clue or false trail. [2 definitions] |
red-hot |
red or glowing with, or as though with, intense heat. [5 definitions] |
redigestion |
combined form of digestion. |
redingote |
a woman's full-length dress or coat, usu. belted and open in front to reveal a dress or petticoat underneath. |
redirect |
to direct to a different destination or by a different route. [2 definitions] |
rediscount |
to discount again, or further. [3 definitions] |
rediscountable |
combined form of rediscount. |
rediscount rate |
the rate of interest a member bank pays to borrow money from the Federal Reserve Bank, using top grade commercial paper as collateral. |
rediscover |
combined form of discover. |
rediscovery |
combined form of discovery. |
rediscuss |
combined form of discuss. |
redisplay |
combined form of display. |
redispose |
combined form of dispose. |
redisposition |
combined form of disposition. |
redissolve |
combined form of dissolve. |