redoubt |
a small, independent, fortified enclosure for defense or protection. [2 definitions] |
redoubtable |
inspiring fear; formidable. [2 definitions] |
redound |
to yield or produce an effect, as on one's credit, honor, or the like. [3 definitions] |
redox |
used as a short form of "oxidation-reduction," a chemical reaction in which one substance loses electrons to another substance. [2 definitions] |
red pepper |
cayenne pepper. [2 definitions] |
Red Planet |
see "Mars." |
redpoll |
any of various small finches characterized by a red patch on the crown of the head. |
redraft |
a second or subsequent draft of a blueprint, plan, legislative bill, or the like. [2 definitions] |
redraw |
combined form of draw. |
redream |
combined form of dream. |
redress |
compensation or reparation; amends. [4 definitions] |
re-dress |
to dress or clothe once more; dress over again. |
red salmon |
see "sockeye salmon." |
Red Sea |
an extension of the Indian Ocean northwest between Arabia and Africa. |
red shift |
the tendency of light waves from distant luminous bodies such as galaxies to decrease in frequency with movement away from the observer. (See Doppler effect.) |
redshirt |
(informal) to withdraw a varsity athlete from competition for a year in order to extend his or her eligibility. [2 definitions] |
redskin |
(offensive slang) an American Indian. |
red snapper |
any of several tropical or semitropical marine food fishes having reddish bodies. |
red spider |
any of various small red spiderlike mites that feed on vegetation. |
red squirrel |
a common North American tree squirrel with reddish or tawny fur. |
redstart |
an American warbler, the male of which is mostly black with bright orange patches on the wings and tail. [2 definitions] |