redstart |
an American warbler, the male of which is mostly black with bright orange patches on the wings and tail. [2 definitions] |
red tape |
official forms, regulations, and procedures, esp. those resulting in delay and frustration. |
red tide |
a brownish red discoloration of sea waters caused by a local overabundance of certain single-celled algae that are toxic to many forms of marine life. |
redtop |
a grass with reddish flower clusters that is grown for hay, pasturage, and lawns. |
reduce |
to make less in amount or size. [8 definitions] |
reducing agent |
a substance that chemically reduces or causes reduction in another substance, and that is itself oxidized in the process. |
reductio ad absurdum |
(Latin) the disproof of a proposition by demonstrating the impossibility or absurdity of its logical conclusion. |
reduction |
the act of reducing or state of being reduced. [5 definitions] |
reductionist |
indicating the oversimplification of complex ideas or data. |
reductive |
relating to or characterized by reducing or abridgment. [2 definitions] |
redundancy |
the state or quality of being redundant. [4 definitions] |
redundant |
unnecessarily repetitive. [3 definitions] |
reduplicate |
to repeat or duplicate. [5 definitions] |
reduplication |
the act of reduplicating or the state of being reduplicated. [2 definitions] |
redux |
brought back; returned (used after a noun rather than before). |
redwing |
see "red-winged blackbird." [2 definitions] |
red-winged blackbird |
a North American blackbird, the male of which has bright red patches on its wings. |
redwood |
a very tall, long-lived evergreen tree found in northern California. [2 definitions] |
reecho |
of a sound, to echo again; reverberate; resound. [3 definitions] |
reed |
any of various tall marsh grasses or their straight, jointed, hollow stalks. [3 definitions] |
reeding |
small convex moldings, as on a column. |