referral |
an act, process, or instance of referring. [2 definitions] |
referred pain |
pain felt in a different part of the body from that in which it originates. |
refight |
combined form of fight. |
refigure |
combined form of figure. |
refill |
to fill again. [2 definitions] |
refillable |
combined form of refill. |
refinance |
to obtain additional money or credit from. [2 definitions] |
refind |
combined form of find. |
refine |
to make pure or fine by removing unwanted elements. [4 definitions] |
refined |
no longer containing impurities or extraneous substances. [4 definitions] |
refinement |
the act of refining or condition of being refined. [3 definitions] |
refinery |
an industrial plant where natural resources such as petroleum and sugar are purified into usable products. |
refinish |
to redo or restore the surface or finish of (woodwork, furniture, or the like). |
refire |
combined form of fire. |
refit |
to make or be made fit or ready for use again; resupply; reequip. [2 definitions] |
refix |
combined form of fix. |
reflect |
to throw back (light, heat, sound, or the like), as from a surface. [7 definitions] |
reflectance |
the ratio of the amount of radiation, esp. light, that is reflected from a surface to that of the radiation originally on the surface. |
reflecting telescope |
an optical telescope that uses mirrors rather than lenses to focus light rays. (Cf. refracting telescope.) |
reflection |
the act of reflecting or state of being reflected. [4 definitions] |
reflective |
capable of reflecting light. [3 definitions] |