resell |
combined form of sell. |
reseller |
combined form of seller. |
resemblance |
the state or fact of showing similarity or likeness. [2 definitions] |
resemble |
to have a similar nature or have a likeness to. |
resensitize |
combined form of sensitize. |
resent |
to feel bitterness, displeasure, or indignation toward or about. |
resentence |
combined form of sentence. |
resentful |
feeling or displaying resentment. |
resentment |
a bitterness, displeasure, or indignation resulting from perceived injury or wrong. |
reserpine |
an alkaloid obtained from the root of the rauwolfia, used in the treatment of hypertension and as a tranquilizer. |
reservation |
an exception, limitation, or qualification, or the act of limiting or qualifying one's acceptance, belief, or the like. [4 definitions] |
reserve |
to hold back or save for later use. [8 definitions] |
re-serve |
to serve again. |
reserve clause |
a condition in some professional sports contracts that provides for a one-year extension at the team owner's option. |
reserved |
put aside or held for a specific purpose. [2 definitions] |
reserved powers |
under the U.S. Constitution, those powers not delegated to the U.S. federal government, which are therefore, unless prohibited by the Constitution, reserved for the states and the people. |
reservice |
combined form of service. |
reservist |
a person who belongs to a country's military reserves. |
reservoir |
a place where water is collected and stored, esp. to supply a community or for agricultural purposes. [3 definitions] |
reset |
to set or regulate again. [5 definitions] |
resettlement |
combined form of settlement. |