Rhodes scholarship |
any of a number of scholarships at Oxford University in England, established for selected British Commonwealth and U.S. students. |
rhodium |
a chemical element that has forty-five protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a silvery-white, very corrosion-resistant metal, used esp. to electroplate instruments and jewelry and as a catalyst. (symbol: Rh) |
rhodo- |
rose. |
rhodochrosite |
a rose-pink, brown, or gray mineral composed of manganese carbonate that typically occurs as rhombohedral crystals and is important commercially as a source of manganese. |
rhododendron |
any of various shrubs or trees with leathery evergreen leaves and clusters of bright pink, red, purple, white, or yellow flowers. |
rhodolite |
a pink, rose-red, or reddish violet variety of garnet, used as a gemstone. |
rhodopsin |
the red, light-sensitive protein pigment that is present in the retina of the eye and provides vision in dim light. |
rhombencephalon |
the embryonic hindbrain, from which the cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata develop. |
rhombic |
in the form of a rhombus. [4 definitions] |
rhombohedron |
a six-sided solid figure with a rhombus on each face. |
rhomboid |
a parallelogram in which the opposite sides are equal, the adjacent sides are unequal, and the angles are oblique. [2 definitions] |
rhomboideus |
either of two muscles that connect the vertebrae in the upper back to the shoulder blades. |
rhombus |
an oblique-angled parallelogram in which all four sides are equal. |
Rh positive |
having the Rh factor in the red blood cells. |
rhubarb |
a cultivated plant with long green or reddish leaf stalks, which are often cooked with sugar and eaten like a fruit. |
rhumb |
see "rhumb line." [2 definitions] |
rhumba |
variant of rumba. |
rhumb line |
the curved line on the surface of a sphere, indicating the path of a ship or plane that maintains a fixed compass direction, which crosses all meridians on a globe or map at the same angle. |
rhyme |
a word that ends with the same vowel sound or vowel and consonant combination as another word beginning with a different sound or cluster of sounds. [9 definitions] |
rhyme or reason |
apparent sense or logic. |
rhyme royal |
a seven-line poetic stanza in iambic pentameter, in which the first line rhymes with the third, the second with the fourth and fifth, and the last two with each other. |