rhyme royal |
a seven-line poetic stanza in iambic pentameter, in which the first line rhymes with the third, the second with the fourth and fifth, and the last two with each other. |
rhyme scheme |
the rhyming pattern of the end rhymes of a poem, usu. indicated by letters to show which lines rhyme. |
rhymester |
a poet of inferior or light verse. |
rhyming slang |
a form of language play in which one word or phrase is replaced with another that rhymes with the intended one, such as "trouble and strife" for "wife". |
rhyolite |
a fine-grained, volcanic rock that is similar to granite in composition and has a high silica content. |
rhythm |
movement marked by the regular repetition of accent, beat, or the like. [5 definitions] |
rhythm-and-blues |
a kind of popular American music, developed mostly by blacks, that combines blues and jazz, is characterized by a strong beat, and was a precursor of rock-'n'-roll. |
rhythmic |
characterized by a rhythm; cadenced; rhythmical. |
rhythmical |
of or relating to rhythm. [3 definitions] |
rhythm method |
a method of birth control that calls for abstaining from sexual intercourse during that time each month when the woman would most likely conceive. |
rhythm section |
the instruments in a band or orchestra that provide the rhythmic beat, such as drums or a bass guitar. |
RI |
abbreviation of "Rhode Island," a New England state on the Atlantic coast between Connecticut and Massachusetts. |
rial1 |
the chief monetary unit of Iran, equaling one hundred dinars. [2 definitions] |
rial2 |
variant of riyal. |
rial omani |
the chief monetary unit of Oman, equaling one thousand baiza. |
rialto |
a trading center or marketplace. |
rib1 |
one of the series of bones that curve from the spine around the chest of a person or animal. [7 definitions] |
rib2 |
to make good-hearted fun of (someone); tease; kid. |
ribald |
characterized by or using rude, coarse, or vulgar language or humor. [2 definitions] |
ribaldry |
ribald humor or language. |
ribband |
a long, flexible band of wood or metal that holds the ribs of a ship in place while the outside planking or plating is put on. |