rifleman |
a person who uses or is skillful with a rifle. [2 definitions] |
rifle range |
an area for target practice with a rifle. [2 definitions] |
riflery |
the practice or skill of marksmanship with rifles. |
rifling1 |
spiral grooves that are cut onto the inner surface of a gun barrel, pipe, or similar object. |
rifling2 |
the act or process of searching thoroughly in order to rob; plundering. |
rift |
a crack or fissure made by breaking, splitting, or separating. [4 definitions] |
rig |
to equip or prepare for use, as by attaching sails and ropes to (a boat or ship). [10 definitions] |
Riga |
the capital of Latvia. |
rigamarole |
variant of rigmarole. |
rigatoni |
pasta formed into short, ribbed tubes. |
Rigel |
a blue-white binary star in the constellation Orion, having a combined magnitude of 0.1. |
rigging |
all the ropes, wires, chains, and the like used on a boat or ship to support the masts and work the sails. [2 definitions] |
right |
in accordance with what is fair and morally good. [28 definitions] |
rightabout |
the position assumed by turning around to face in the opposite direction. [3 definitions] |
right about face |
a military command to turn to the right until facing in the opposite direction, or the performance of this command. [2 definitions] |
right and left |
in all places or directions; everywhere. |
right angle |
an angle formed by the meeting of two perpendicular lines and measuring ninety degrees. |
right ascension |
the angular distance of the arc of one of the hour circles of a celestial body, measured eastward along the equator from the vernal equinox to the intersection of the hour circle, and expressed in degrees or hours; the celestial equivalent of longitude. |
right away |
at once; immediately. |
righteous |
morally upright. [3 definitions] |
righteousness |
the quality of being righteous or condition of living righteously. |