rightward |
toward or on the right. |
right whale |
any of several large whales lacking a dorsal fin, having a smooth throat, and having eyes set near the corners of the mouth. |
right wing |
those within a political group who are the most conservative or reactionary. (Cf. left wing.) |
rigid |
difficult or impossible to bend; not flexible; stiff. [4 definitions] |
rigidify |
to make or become stiff or inflexible. |
rigidity |
the state or quality of being stiff or difficult to bend. [3 definitions] |
rigidly |
stiffly; without any bending. [2 definitions] |
rigmarole |
a complicated, unnecessarily involved procedure or process. [2 definitions] |
rigor |
strictness, severity, inflexibility, or harshness, as of manner, judgment, or law. [6 definitions] |
rigor mortis |
the stiffening of the body muscles shortly after death. |
rigorous |
showing strictness or sternness. [3 definitions] |
Rig-Veda |
a collection of over one thousand Hindu hymns dating from the second century B.C. |
rijsttafel |
an Indonesian meal in which a variety of fresh and cooked meats, seafood, vegetables, and condiments, each served in a separate dish, are added to a bed of rice. |
rile |
to make angry; irritate or annoy. [2 definitions] |
rill1 |
a small brook or creek. |
rill2 |
any of numerous long narrow valleys or trenches on the moon's surface. |
rillettes |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) a meat or fish spread, esp. of pork, in which minced, seasoned bits are cooked, mashed, or shredded and then preserved in animal fat. |
rim |
the outer edge or border of something, esp. something round or circular. [6 definitions] |
rime1 |
variant of rhyme. |
rime2 |
a white coating of tiny ice crystals; hoarfrost. [3 definitions] |
rime riche |
rhyme using two or more words or syllables that are pronounced alike and often spelled alike, but are different in meaning, such as "route" and "root" or "description" and "prescription". |