ritard |
a ritardando. [2 definitions] |
ritardando |
gradually becoming slower (used as a musical direction). [2 definitions] |
rite |
a formal ceremonial ritual prescribed or customary for a specific occasion, as in religious worship. [2 definitions] |
rite of passage |
a formal, often religious ceremony or procedure that marks a transition from one stage of life to another, such as marriage. [2 definitions] |
ritornello |
an instrumental interlude between stanzas, arias, scenes, or the like, esp. in early seventeenth-century operas. [2 definitions] |
ritual |
an established and prescribed procedure for a ceremony, esp. a religious one. [4 definitions] |
ritualism |
the observance or study of ritual. [2 definitions] |
ritualize |
to make into, or treat as, a ritual or rituals. |
rival |
the person with whom one is competing; competitor. [5 definitions] |
rivalry |
the act, relation, or condition of a rival or rivals; competition. [2 definitions] |
rive |
to tear apart; rend. [3 definitions] |
riven |
a past participle of rive. [2 definitions] |
river |
a large natural stream of water flowing in a definite course or channel toward a lake, ocean, or other body of water. [2 definitions] |
riverbank |
the sloped ground at the edge of a river. |
river basin |
the area of land from which a river and its tributaries drain water. |
riverbed |
the channel of a river in which water flows or used to flow. |
riverboat |
a boat that is suited for use in the relatively shallow waters of a river. |
riverfront |
the section of a settlement, such as a town or city, fronting on a river, esp. one with warehouses, markets, and other commercial enterprises. |
riverhead |
the source of a river. |
river horse |
a hippopotamus. |
riverside |
the ground along a river; bank. [2 definitions] |