rocket launcher |
a weapon that is carried by hand or mounted on a vehicle and fires rockets, or a vehicle designed to carry a battery of such weapons. |
rocketry |
the science and technology of designing, building, and flying rockets. |
rocket ship |
a spacecraft that is propelled by a rocket. |
rockfish |
any of various fishes that live among coastal rocks, such as the striped bass or various groupers. |
rock garden |
a garden established among rocks or provided with rocks that usu. contains alpine or other plants that grow well in rocky places. |
rocking chair |
a chair mounted on rockers or springs that rock back and forth; rocker. |
rocking horse |
a toy horse mounted on springs or rockers that is large enough for a child to ride; hobbyhorse. |
rock-'n'-roll |
a form of popular music derived from rhythm-and-blues, with a strongly accented beat and usu. played on electronically amplified instruments, esp. guitars; rock. [2 definitions] |
rock-ribbed |
characterized by rocky ridges or outcroppings. [2 definitions] |
rock salt |
common salt in solid form, occurring in large irregular rocklike masses; natural sodium chloride. |
rockshaft |
a machine shaft that oscillates or rocks back and forth on its bearings instead of revolving. |
rock squirrel |
a gray, black-headed ground squirrel found in the rocky regions of the western United States and Mexico. |
rock star |
a performer of rock-'n'-roll music who has gained great popularity and fame; rock-'n'-roll star. |
rock the boat |
(slang) to disrupt a balance or routine. |
rockweed |
any of numerous related, coarse, brownish seaweeds that grow on rocks exposed at low tide. |
rock wool |
see "mineral wool." |
rocky1 |
having or full of rocks. [3 definitions] |
rocky2 |
likely or tending to rock; shaky; unsteady. [3 definitions] |
Rocky Mountain goat |
a goatlike antelope, found esp. in the mountains of northwestern North America, that has short, black, backward-curving horns and a shaggy white coat. |
Rocky Mountains |
the principal North American mountain chain, stretching from Alaska to northern New Mexico; Rockies. |
Rocky Mountain sheep |
see "bighorn." |