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Roman alphabet see "Latin alphabet."
Roman arch a semicircular arch.
Roman calendar the lunar calendar used in ancient Rome prior to the adoption of the Julian calendar.
Roman candle a large tubular firework that emits sparks and balls of fire.
Roman Catholic of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church. [2 definitions]
Roman Catholic Church a Christian church organized into a hierarchy of bishops and priests that is headed by the pope, or Bishop of Rome; Latin Church.
romance a love affair, or a depiction of one in a novel, story, or film. [7 definitions]
Romance language one of the modern languages that come from Latin. Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese are Romance languages.
Roman Curia the administrative, judicial, and executive offices of the papal see that compose the government of the Roman Catholic Church. [2 definitions]
Roman Empire the territories ruled by ancient Rome, extending from Britain to North Africa and Asia Minor. [2 definitions]
Romanesque of, describing, or pertaining to a European style of architecture of the eleventh and twelfth centuries that is characterized by heavy walls, groin vaults, and round arches. [2 definitions]
roman-fleuve stream-novel (French); a long novel, often in several volumes, that follows the story of a family, group, or the like over several generations.
Romania a European country between Hungary and the Black Sea.
Romanian a native or citizen of Romania, or a descendant thereof. [3 definitions]
Romanic of or derived from the Romans. [3 definitions]
Romanist a specialist in Roman law, culture, institutions, or antiquities.
Romanize to make into a Roman Catholic; convert. [4 definitions]
Roman law the ancient Roman legal system that serves as a basis for many modern ones.
Roman nose a nose with a high, prominent bridge.
Roman numeral any of the letters I, V, X, L, C, D, or M, used in the Roman system of notation, in which a letter followed by one of equal or lesser value indicates addition of the two, a letter followed by one of greater value indicates that the first is to be subtracted from the second, and a bar over a letter multiplies it by 1,000.
Romano (sometimes l.c.) a hard, sharp Italian cheese used esp. in grated form.