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rose window a circular window, usu. with stained glass panes and a radiating, rose-shaped tracery in a symmetrical pattern around the center.
rosewood any of various tropical or semitropical trees that have a dark reddish, hard, strongly grained wood and sometimes a scent like a rose. [2 definitions]
Rosh Hashanah the beginning of the New Year according to the lunar Jewish calendar, celebrated as a high holy day on the first day or first and second days of Tishri.
Rosicrucian a member of a seventeenth- and eighteenth-century secret society that professed esoteric religious principles and possession of occult knowledge and powers. [3 definitions]
rosin a translucent, yellow-brown, brittle residue of the distillation of turpentine from pine sap, used as a friction-increasing agent, as on the bows of certain stringed instruments, and in manufacturing varnish, inks, and soap. [3 definitions]
rosin oil a viscous, brownish, odorless oil obtained by fractional distillation of rosin and used in lubricants, electrical insulation, and inks.
rosinweed any of several related, composite, North American plants that have a resinous sap, sticky exterior, and strong aroma, such as the compass plant or the gum plant.
roster a list of names of individuals or groups belonging to or participating in an organization, class, military or police unit, or the like. [2 definitions]
rostrum a raised platform or dais for public speaking.
rosy deep reddish pink. [4 definitions]
rosy finch any of several related finches, found in western North America and eastern Asia, that have rose-colored tinting on the wings, rump, tail, or the like.
rot to decompose or decay, as organic matter. [12 definitions]
rotameter an instrument that measures the rate of flow of a liquid by means of a movable float encased in a vertical tube.
rotary turning or able to turn on an axis; rotating. [4 definitions]
Rotary Club a local unit of an international men's service organization.
rotary engine an engine in which rotation is produced by supplying power directly to the rotary parts, such as a turbine. [2 definitions]
rotary press a printing press with the type mounted on plates on a rotating cylinder, fed by a continuous roll of paper.
rotary-wing aircraft an aircraft such as a helicopter that is supported by an airfoil that rotates around a vertical axis.
rotate to cause to revolve around an axis. [5 definitions]
rotation the action of turning on or around an axis. [5 definitions]
rotation of crops a system planting different crops in a fixed, repeated order in the same field so that each successive crop restores soil nutrients that were absorbed by the previous one.