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rotunda a round building or section of a building, esp. one that has a dome. [2 definitions]
rouble a spelling of "ruble" used in Canada and Britain. See "ruble" for more information.
roué a man of low morals or extravagant habits.
rouge any of various red or pink cosmetics used to color the cheeks or lips. [3 definitions]
rough having an uneven surface; not smooth; coarse. [14 definitions]
roughage food that contains a high proportion of cellulose, which stimulates intestinal functioning.
rough-and-ready rough or crude but adequate to meet a need. [2 definitions]
rough-and-tumble characterized by or inclined toward roughness, disorder, and disregard for rules or niceties.
roughcast a coarse plaster made of mortar mixed with small stones, used as a finish for exterior walls. [4 definitions]
rough draft a rough or preliminary sketch of a piece of writing, or a version still subject to revision.
rough-dry to dry (laundry) without pressing or smoothing out. [2 definitions]
roughen to make or become uneven or coarse; rough.
rough-hew to cut or shape (material such as wood or stone) in rough form, leaving rough surfaces. [2 definitions]
roughhouse boisterous or rowdy play or wrestling, esp. when occurring indoors. [2 definitions]
rough it to live without the ordinary daily comforts.
rough-legged hawk a type of large hawk with dark plumage and whitish feathers covering its legs.
roughly in a rough manner. [2 definitions]
roughneck one who behaves in a tough or rude manner; rowdy.
roughrider one who does, or whose work involves, much hard riding, esp. one who breaks horses for riding. [2 definitions]
roughshod shod with horseshoes that have projecting metal points or nails, to prevent slipping.
rough trade (slang) a tough, sadistic homosexual male hired or picked up for sex, or all such persons collectively.