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ruddy having a healthy-looking, rosy complexion. [2 definitions]
ruddy duck a North American duck, the male of which has a reddish brown neck and upper plumage, a black crown, and white cheeks.
rude unmannerly or impolite. [5 definitions]
rudiment (usu. pl.) a basic element, idea, skill, or the like in a complex subject or activity. [3 definitions]
rudimentary of or pertaining to the basic or first principles; elementary. [2 definitions]
rue1 to regret, repent of, or feel sorry about. [3 definitions]
rue2 a fragrant flowering plant found in Europe and Asia, the evergreen leaves of which yield an oil formerly used in medicines.
rueful inspiring sorrow or pity. [2 definitions]
ruff a high, round, stiff collar of pleated or ruffled fabric worn by men and women in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. [3 definitions]
ruffed grouse a North American game bird with tufted neck feathers that resemble a collar or ruff.
ruffian one who is tough and violent; bully; thug.
ruffle to disturb the smoothness or evenness of; agitate or ripple. [9 definitions]
rufiyaa the chief monetary unit of the Maldives, equaling one hundred laris; rupee.
rufous of or pertaining to a reddish or reddish brown color.
rug a piece of fabric, usu. of thick, woven material, used to cover part of a floor. [2 definitions]
rugby a team sport similar to football in which an oval-shaped ball is passed, kicked, and carried, and the play is continuous throughout the two forty-minute halves.
rugged having a surface that is rough, broken, or jagged. [6 definitions]
rugosa rose a variety of hardy rose having very thorny stems and rough leaves, often used for hedges.
ruin complete destruction or decay. [10 definitions]
ruination the act of ruining or the state of being ruined. [2 definitions]
ruinous causing or tending to cause ruin. [2 definitions]