run riot |
to move, act, or grow without control. |
runt |
an undersized or stunted animal, esp. the smallest of a litter, as of pigs or dogs. [2 definitions] |
run the gauntlet |
to expose oneself to harsh criticism or attacks by multiple people, especially by being forced to proceed through two lines of attackers. |
run-through |
a quick review or rehearsal of a sequence of actions, such as a play, musical performance, or dance. |
run up |
to keep adding to something and cause it to become large. [2 definitions] |
runway |
a smooth, level strip, usu. paved, on which aircraft take off and land; airstrip. [4 definitions] |
run wild |
to grow unrestrained or unchecked. [2 definitions] |
rupee |
the chief monetary unit of India, Nepal, and Pakistan, equaling one hundred paise. [3 definitions] |
rupiah |
the chief monetary unit of Indonesia, equaling one hundred sen. |
rupture |
the act or process of bursting, or the condition of being burst open or broken off. [6 definitions] |
rural |
of the countryside or country life. [2 definitions] |
rural delivery |
delivery of mail along rural routes, usu. to a roadside mailbox rather than to the door. |
ruralism |
the quality or condition of being rural. [2 definitions] |
ruralize |
to cause to become rural. |
rural route |
a mail-delivery route that serves a rural area. |
ruse |
a trick, pretense, or diversion intended to deceive or mislead. |
rush1 |
to act or go swiftly or hastily; hurry. [12 definitions] |
rush2 |
any of several marsh grasses. |
rush candle |
a rushlight. |
rush hour |
a period of peak traffic, usu. in the morning and late afternoon, when many people are on their way to or from work. |
rushlight |
a candle whose wick is a dried, partly peeled rush dipped in grease. |